We've got the coolest mobile coolrooms and BBQ trailers in town!

Chilly Billy is the best mobile coolroom hire in Adelaide. We've got a great and versatile range of coolroom and freezer trailers available for Hire.

Our latest innovation is the BBQ and Coolroom Trailer, it has everything you need to throw a party. Check out our range of BBQ trailers and coolrooms for more information!

Please note that we require a valid Australian drivers licence in order to hire our mobile coolrooms and BBQ trailers.

Use the Instant Quoter, it's powered by Chilly Billy's team of trained penguins.

When you See the great prices, you can also Book Online!

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♫ We've got a lovely bunch of coolrooms,
Diddle dee dee
Here they are a standing in a row,
Big ones, small ones,
some with a BBQ ♫

Estimate Delivery Price

Price includes delivery and pickup. Subject to availability. If booking online and you wish to arrange delivery, please call us or email us once your booking is made.

Adelaide Mobile Coolroom hire - Chilly Billy

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